DataGuide Technologies Inc - We make IT make sense!

Making IT Make Sense


Professional, Certified & Local Service

Making IT Make Sense

We staff technicians with more than 19 years of experience in the IT field.
Our team specializes in Managed IT Services, bulletproof Backup & Disaster Recovery Solutions, Corporate Firewall and Endpoint solutions, Managed Print Services, Domain name and Hosting services, and digital adoption consulting services.

We are a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider, a Google Suite Administrator, partner with Xerox, Lenovo and some of the largest suppliers in North America. We will help you to manage your network, the integration of technologies and the deployment of IT infrastructure in a corporate environment.


DataGuide Technologies Inc.

100% Locally owned & operated, DataGuide provides Home, Business, & Non-Profit clients with Enterprise class IT-solutions.

We are designed to pro-actively improve your efficiency, so your infrastructure helps your business grow with technology, rather than be held back by it.
It's easy to not think about the health and maintenance of your overall infrastructure until there's actually a problem.

Unfortunately, when an issue does occur it costs your business time, productivity, and revenue.

To avoid unexpected downtime and IT expense pitfalls, we strive to take a proactive, forward-thinking approach to your business.


Our Services

  • Data Backup & Recovery
  • Hardware Installs
    Hardware Installs
  • Networking
  • Managed Services
    Managed Services
  • System Updates
    System Updates
  • Printing Services
    Printing Services
  • Design Services
    Design Services
  • Sales
  • Training
  • Consulting
Trusted expertise to provide strategic advice and IT Roadmap planning, assist in the selection of major technologies, cloud solutions, asset planning, and create IT policies and procedures.
Let us provide the day-to-day service that your employees need to continue being productive. Support is offered through 5 channels; Telephone, Online Chat, Remote Desktop, Automation and Escalation to appropriate resources.
We use powerful monitoring tools to ensure uptime. We keep an eye on all hardware components, services and processes. Our product then determines which alerts should be turned into tickets for the operations center to handle.


Contact Us Now!

PO Box 430, Lunenburg, NS B0J2C0
(902) 921 4789 | (902) 616-3282
All Rights Reserved. ©2024 DataGuide Technologies Inc.